Langkah pertama dalam tips cara setting internet Samsung Champ adalah menuju keMenu> Pengaturan> Aplikasi> Internet> Profil Internet> Lainnya. Setelah itu, Anda bisa membuat profil seperti yang tertera di bawah ini.

Bearer GPRS
Port 8080
Cell 13 Cell 14
APN indosatgprs
User indosat
Password indosat

Data Bearer GPRS
APN telkomsel
User wap
Password wap123
Port 8000

XL Axiata
Data Bearer: GPRS
User xlgprs
Password proxl
Port 8080

Data Bearer: GPRS
Username axis
Password 123456
Port 9201 atau 8080

Three (3)
Data Bearer GPRS
APN 3gprs
User name 3gprs
Password 3gprs
Port 3128 GPRS

Setelah itu, Anda bisa menyimpan setting internet Samsung Champ yang telah Anda buat tersebut. Selamat mencoba

How to Shut Down Windows 8 In Just One Click

Windows 8's Buried Power Button
Where Windows 7 displays its power button in a prominent place on its Start Menu, Windows 8 makes perform four actions just to turn y our computer off. To get to the power button in the new OS, you must pull out the Charms menu, click the Settings charm, click the Power button and then select Shutdown or Restart.
However, there’s an easy way to put the shutdown and restart functions just one click away from the desktop and Start screen. Just create shortcuts for both actions using the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the desktop.
  2. Right click on the desktop and select New -> Shortcut. A shortcut menu appears.
     Create new Shortcut
  3. Enter shutdown /s /t 0 (that’s a zero) in the location box and hit Next.
    Enter Shutdown /s /t 0 in the location box of the create a shortcut window.
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish. A new shortcut will appear on your desktop.
    Name your shortcut and click Finish 
  5. Right click on the shortcut and select Properties. A dialog box appears.
  6. Click Change Icon under the Shortcut tab then Click Ok in warning box that says shutdown.exe contains no icons.
    Click Change Icon
  7. Select an Icon from the list of available images Click Ok twice (once to close the Change Icon window and once to close Properties window). Your shortcut will now have an icon.
     Choose the Icon for Your Shortcut
  8. Right click the shortcut and select Pin to Start. The shutdown icon will now appear on your Start screen.
     Pin to Start
  9. Drag the shutdown icon to a prominent place on your Start screen. We recommend putting it in the first column to the left so you will always see it.
    Drag your button to a prominent place
  10. Right click the icon and select Pin to Taskbar if you want the shortcut to live on your desktop’s taskbar as well.
    The Shutdown icon can be pinned to taskbar
  11. Repeat the previous steps to create a Restart button. Use the command “shutdown /r /t 0″ in the location field. 

Disable Uninstall Option For Windows 8 Modern UI Apps [Tip]

Windows 8 comes packed with a slew of new feature additions and enhanced user interface, but a lot of things have also been excluded from the latest release. With the release of Windows 8 looming on the horizon, we at AddictiveTips are trying to give you a preview of everything it will offer to the users. As most of us already know, the Start Orb has been replaced by the Start Screen, and instead of Desktop, the Start Screen is the main workspace that hosts all the installed applications. Whenever you install an application, instead of a shortcut on the desktop, a tile is created on the Start Screen that allows you to quickly launch it. In Windows 8, you can uninstall an app in multiple ways. The first method involves using Control Panel > Add & Remove Programs applet, but the second one lets you uninstall an app directly from the Start Screen. In this post, we will explain how you how can prevent your PC account holders from uninstalling Windows 8 UI based apps (formerly known as metro apps).

To uninstall an app from the Start Screen, all you need is to right click its title and select Uninstall from the options available at the bottom of the screen.
Start Screen
In order to restrict your PC users from uninstalling Windows 8 UI style apps, log in as Administrator or make sure that you have required administrative rights to change local group policies. First off, go to Start Screen, type gpedit.msc, select Apps from the right sidebar, and then click gpedit.msc in the main window.
The Local Group Policy Editor is the Microsoft Management Console snap-in that helps system administrator(s) in applying application and system components related restrictions. In Local Group Policy Editor, go to the following location.
User Configuration/ Administrative Templates/ Start Menu and Taskbar
In the main window, look for the Policy setting named Prevent users from uninstalling applications from Start and double click it to open the policy settings page.
Local Group Policy Editor
In the properties dialog box, there are options available to set the policy to Not Configured, Enabled and Disabled. Selecting each option allows you to view its impact in the Help section on the lower right side. Select Enabled option and close the Local Group Policy editor.
Prevent users from uninstalling applications from Start_2012-09-06_17-06-21
Now, open Windows Run console using Win+R hotkey combination, type in gpupdate /force and hit Enter to forcibly apply the new policy setting. Once the local group policy is updated, your PC users will not be able to uninstall the Windows 8 UI based apps from the Start Screen. It automatically hides the option to uninstall app from the Start Screen, as shown in the screenshot below.
Start Screen Uninstall

How To Disable Windows 8 Lock Screen

 In the past, we covered a guide on Windows 8 Lock Screen and discussed some of its features. The newly added Lock Screen is basically designed for tablet PCs, allowing users to quickly view the applications notifications, battery status, date and time, WiFi status/dynamic network icon etc. Although Windows 8 lets you tweak both Start and Lock Screen UI elements, it doesn’t provide an option to permanently disable it. You may know that Microsoft Management Console snap-in called Local Group Policy Editor allows system administrator(s) to tweak system core components and change default behavior of native utilities. Using the LGPE, you can easily disable the Lock Screen for all PC users. By default, Windows 8 shows Lock Screen at startup, but when it’s disabled, it takes you directly to Logon screen to choose the user account to log in to Windows.

Changing system settings from Local Group Policy Editor requires administrative privileges. So, log in to Windows as administrator, and on Start Screen, type gpedit.msc. Hit Enter to open Local Group Policy Editor.
Now, expand Administrative Templates settings from Computer Configuration, and then navigate toControl Panel –> Personalization. In main window, you will find Do not display the lock screen policy.
lock screen 1
Simply, double-click this policy and tick Enabled checkbox. This will permanently disable Lock Screen. When disabled, users will see the Logon screen when they log off or lock Windows. Similarly, you will be taken to Logon screen, instead of Lock Screen, at startup.
lock screen 2
It’s worth mentioning here that if it fails to disable the Lock Screen, then you may need to reboot your PC to implement the Lock Screen policy. In order to enable the Lock Screen for all users, all you need is to open the Local Group Policy Editor from an admin account, navigate to aforementioned setting, and enable Not Configured option.

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